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John M Gallo
Artist: John M Gallo
Show: "Summer Heat"

About the Show
Location: Sugar Sands Park
Boca Raton, FL
Dates: July 1 - August 25, 2

About the Artist
John Gallo is a Watercolor artist, composer, song lyricist and guitarist. The 53 year old award winning artist, is a Leo, was born in Surfside, FL, and studied at the University of Miami. John's unique style reflects his intense, outgoing personality.

In the winter of 1996, Gallo moved to Little Torch Key, FL, and it was there he began painting watercolors. His friends and neighbors would stop by often, just to see what he was painting that day.

Since then his abilities have continued to grow and he often says "I will continue to paint and find new techniques as long as God has that planned for me".

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